Saturday, February 13, 2010


I'm so over the Olympics even though it's been two years since the last. I think it exists as a clearinghouse for shitty sports you'd never ever find yourself watching otherwise. Cross-country skiing how exhilarating, I’m glad we’ve supplanted speed walking into a winter event.

Also I've never ever under stood how the Olympics is about amateur sports which basically means non-sponsored athletes, when it's just so full of terrible marketing, like people in peak physical condition endorsing cheeseburgers. (edit: I found out that the Olympics started phasing out the requirements of amateur athletes because a bunch from the Eastern Bloc existed as full-time state sponsored athletes.)

Besides, I hail from Toronto, specifically North York, which unlike most of Canada is a true melting pot, so national pride comes as a bit odd for me. Further more I’m genetically too much of a mutt to care although my nationality of Irish/Scott Pollack/Ukrainian makes up the constituents of the people whose backs this country was built on. Until they have some geriatric Pole from the prairies representing the Great White North in a drinking competition I refuse to show any interest. I’m also refusing to step on any Faberge eggshells about my heritage.

I do have to laugh about the irony of while praising Native culture through the games and praising our own multiculturalism, despite pillaging the aforementioned, we’ve done a pretty good job of displacing a good portion of another native population, the homeless. Some of which I’m sure contain an actual percent of the Native population.

I guess headlines like this keep things appealing.

I applaud the ever-present tastefulness of the games, as the video of the crash was posted on youtube.

Over and out.

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